Friday, July 29, 2011

Hunter Pets: Monkeys, Bats, Moths, Oh my! Kill Command is a Hunter's Exorcism

After realizing that Charge no longer stuns, I realized why my pet was not being much of a help to me as far as Paladin's and healers go. I set out to look for the best pets I could find. First up I came upon Crocolisks, which had a 60% uptime on Ankle Crack. Which is great for slowing multiple targets. But after a day of PvP I realized it was essentially useless, because despite the fact that it IS great, hunters had too much CC slow already (at 100%+ uptime) and having my enemies get out of range was NOT a problem at all.

So, needing an interrupt on top of my Scatter Shot I set out to WoWHead, looking up every pet I could get at this level. I found Monkeys, which have Bad Manner. This could be extremely useful in certain situations, it's essentially another Scatter Shot in every way but has twice the cooldown. Unfortunately, while it's a nice blind, it's not a stun in itself and only gives me one free global against my enemy.

Next I looked to the Bat, which has it's 2 second stun. Sweet in most situations, especially when you're chasing the enemy flag carrier, but against healers it's not quite enough. It's still just over one global, two if you're a Rogue. I went back to WoWHead and scoured for something I could use. I eventually came across the Moth, which has the godlike Serenity Dust.

Next came my hour and a half long fatigue and Ally guard killed filled travel to Exodar. After having my gear decimated to 0% durability, I made it to Azuremyst Isle and picked myself up a moth. Finally my Hunter had a proper interrupt against heals, and not only does it help against healers, but it completely SHUTS DOWN Paladins for 4 seconds. That's enough for quite the DPS as a hunter as it's over 2 globals. I'd be hard pressed to lose to a Paladin 1v1 now, having not only SS for his Exorcism but also a full lockout for the clutch heal he thought would save him. Paladin's are simply no longer a problem for my hunter thanks to this little beast of a pet. Here's the macro I use for Serenity Dust in case anyone is interested:

/cast [@mouseover] [@target] [pet:Moth] Serenity Dust


During this time I also tested out Kill Command, something that I overlooked before almost completely. It's like a mini-Exorcism for Hunters. Easily crits for over 400 damage, and I've seen it go as high as the 500s. Hunters might wanna start using this often, it's extremely useful for burst. Definitely improved on my Hunter "skill" (more like lack of, lolol huntard amirite?) today. Learning new things every day.

Not far off from Exorcism damage. And this is ungeared.

Peace, Friend,
~ Thirk

1 comment:

  1. Great knowledge sir. Learning thee enemy Hunter's tactics. Moth is now instant kill target. Thanks.
